Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Cross Country

Last Thursday afternoon the whole school did Cross Country. When our class got to the front field, classes were already sitting on the tarpaulins.

First year six girls did their run. After the year six girls and boys had finished the year five children did their run. After that the rest of the children went in order like the years six and five did.

When it was time for the year three girls to do their run, I had a little bit of butterflies in my tummy. When the year three girls had finished, I was sad because I really wanted to get in the top ten.

When all the year groups had finished everyone had a break. Then it was time for the open race. Lots of kids participated in the open race. When the open race started everyone cheered and cheered because everybody wanted the person who they were cheering for to win the race. When it was nearly the end of the race I came second to last.

I’m glad cross country finished early.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Kangaroos are large animals that live in zoos. Kangaroos are called marsupials not mammals. Marsupials all have pouches.
When a mother kangaroo finds a new feeding spot the joey always rides with her. The mother kangaroo finds it very hard to hump fast with her joey in her pouch. When a dingo or a farm dog comes nand chases the mother kangaroo the marsupial drops her baby in a place then comes bck for the baby later. After the mother has dropped the baby she can escape.
Kangaroos often feed at night and really early in the morning. Kangaroos usually rest in the middle of the day.
Father kangaroos are the boss of the mob. If another kangaroo wants to be the boss they fight with their claws and their paws.